Our Logo Story
The Guy in the I
Since the early beginnings of the SNIPE crew, branding was an essential step in identifying ourselves and what we do. The original logo concept featured an unknown figure silhouetted in a doorway looking out into the unknown. This figure has since been affectionately known as, "The Guy in the I".
With such a dope concept, the update needed to keep and highlight, that energy. We did this by bringing him/her to the middle and designing outward from there. The natural flow of the update finds our Guy in the I at the end of a decrepit hallway looking into the unknown.
Our Vision & Mission
“I shall not commit the fashionable stupidity of regarding everything
I can’t explain as a fraud” – Carl Gustav Jung, Circa 1950
To establish SNIPE as a leading paranormal investigative team first, and an indigenous group of captivating presenters and storytellers second.
To investigate the paranormal using a good mind with respect and kindness being paramount, share our findings and experiences openly and honestly—and, inspire indigenous people of all ages to be proud of their peoples' unique world views.